We are pleased to announce the opening of a second office in Los Angeles, California as of November 2021. We will retain our current office in Denver, Colorado.

For over 15 years, we have worked with clients around the world, the US, and, for the last 9, in Denver, Colorado. And as of November 2021, Michelle will be based in Los Angeles and expanding our services to work more closely with families throughout California and the west coast. Rebecca will remain in Denver with our lovely existing office.

Being based in LA will allow Michelle to stay on the pulse of the very active school and mental health communities in Southern California. This will benefit all clients. And personally, the year-round sunshine and healthy lifestyle is a huge draw, as well as the international and artistic spirit of the city. 

For current clients in Denver, nothing will materially change – Michelle will still be available to meet in Denver and continue with Zoom-based work.

As we work with students and families on creating new chapters, we are excited to write a new one of our own! Hello, Los Angeles!

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International Universities

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