Helping International Students Find a Good College

Almost all the parents with whom I work tell me that they just want their child to go to a “good” college. However, when asked to define the term, they…

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Struggling Learners

When Your Young Learner is Struggling (part one) Concerned about your student's progress at school?? As a former school psychologist, here my "insider" tips... Today's post is all about managing…

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5 Tips for Surviving THE WORST ROOMMATE EVER, Part 2: The Best Friend/Roommate Tango

by Kristina Grappo, guest blogger, TCK, and recent grad. Read Part 1 here. Congratulations! You survived your freshman year roommate, and you have graduated onto sophomore status… This means parties…

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What Having Learning Disabilities and International School Attendance Means for Self-Esteem and Future Plans

Today I just finished reading a college essay written by one of my students about coping with learning differences in an international school that refuses to acknowledge or accept learning…

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